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The Polish Towns Forum is an annual meeting of several hundred local government leaders managing small and medium-sized towns. Discussion on current local government challenges and meetings with carefully selected experts of central government, business and science representatives make the Polish Towns Forum an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences, practical solutions and inspiration.

“As a company involved in the local communities life, we actively join the dialogue on the challenges and opportunities for the development of small and medium-sized local governments. We participate in debates presenting ecological approach towards technological solutions used in our plants. We listen to the representatives of municipalities on the sustainable economy solutions implementation,” says Przemysław Bialas, Romgos Bio Energia CEO.

Romgos Bio Energia provides construction of organic fertilizers and fuels production facilities. The company constitutes a part of Romgos Group. Not only the Group has been delivering investments in the power and gas construction market for 25 years but also in general construction and renewable energy segment.